Showing posts with label kompilasi tiktok. Show all posts

  Process which leads to disassembling and analysis of competitors, operating activities to become acquainted with competitors technologies ...


Process which leads to disassembling and analysis of competitors, operating activities to become acquainted with competitors technologies is called

a. outsource engineering
b. reverse engineering
c. target engineering
d. off shore engineering

Process which leads to disassembling and analysis of competitors, operating activities to become acquainted with competitors technologies is called a. outsource engineering b. reverse engineering c. target engineering d. off shore engineering

To answer this question, you must understand each answer choice in the multiple-choice above. So you will find the right answer.

A. outsource engineering

It is Wrong Because outsource engineering does not include the correct answer.

B. reverse engineering

it is True, because reverse engineering is the best and correct answer to the above question. so, choose this answer.

C. target engineering

Wrong. Because target engineering is a bad choice for an answer.

D. off shore engineering

This is also wrong, off shore engineering Not completely the correct answer.

The Answer From Process which leads to disassembling and analysis of competitors, operating activities to become acquainted with competitors technologies is called

So the correct answer is B i.e. reverse engineering. Hopefully, it can help work on your problem and can add to your insight as well.

  Technique, which accumulates and tracks revenues of business function in value chain attributed to each market offering from R&D to fi...


Technique, which accumulates and tracks revenues of business function in value chain attributed to each market offering from R&D to final customer support is called

a. product life cycle
b. life cycle budgeting
c. life cycle costing
d. target costing

Technique, which accumulates and tracks revenues of business function in value chain attributed to each market offering from R&D to final customer support is called a. product life cycle b. life cycle budgeting c. life cycle costing d. target costing

To answer this question, you must understand each answer choice in the multiple-choice above. So you will find the right answer.

A. product life cycle

It is Wrong Because product life cycle does not include the correct answer.

B. life cycle budgeting

it is True, because life cycle budgeting is the best and correct answer to the above question. so, choose this answer.

C. life cycle costing

Wrong. Because life cycle costing is a bad choice for an answer.

D. target costing

This is also wrong, target costing Not completely the correct answer.

The Answer From Technique, which accumulates and tracks revenues of business function in value chain attributed to each market offering from R&D to final customer support is called

So the correct answer is B i.e. life cycle budgeting. Hopefully, it can help work on your problem and can add to your insight as well.

  Product costing technique in which markup component is added into cost base, to set a target price is known as a. market based approach b....


Product costing technique in which markup component is added into cost base, to set a target price is known as

a. market based approach
b. cost incurrence pricing
c. cost plus pricing
d. locked-in cost pricing

Product costing technique in which markup component is added into cost base, to set a target price is known as a. market based approach b. cost incurrence pricing c. cost plus pricing d. locked-in cost pricing

To answer this question, you must understand each answer choice in the multiple-choice above. So you will find the right answer.

A. market based approach

Wrong. Because market based approach is a bad choice for an answer.

B. cost incurrence pricing

Wrong answer Again, because cost incurrence pricing is a nonsensical answer. do not choose this answer.

C. cost plus pricing

it is True, because cost plus pricing is the best and correct answer to the above question. so, choose this answer.

D. locked-in cost pricing

This is also wrong, locked-in cost pricing Not completely the correct answer.

The Answer From Product costing technique in which markup component is added into cost base, to set a target price is known as

So the correct answer is C i.e. cost plus pricing. Hopefully, it can help work on your problem and can add to your insight as well.

Halo sobat Tiktokwan dan Tiktok Wati. kali ini mintok membagikan Kompilasi Video Tiktok Terbaru Tahun 2021. Berikut ini lan...

Kompilasi Tiktok Hot terbaru 2021

Halo sobat Tiktokwan dan Tiktok Wati. kali ini mintok membagikan Kompilasi Video Tiktok Terbaru Tahun 2021.

Berikut ini langsung aja cus deh, iniilah kompilasi video tiktok terabaru tahun 2021

Tiktok merupakan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat digunakan untk sharing video pendek. Aplikasi ini saat ini sangat populer dikalangan anak muda

Aplikasi ini sering digunakan untuk sharing video baik video yang berupa edukasi maupun video yang berupa video hiburan semata.

banyak orang suka sekali menggunakan aplikasi ini. biasanya mereka sebagian besar menggunakan aplikasi ini untuk mencari hiburan

Seperti video menari, goyang yang orang-orang sharing di tiktok sehingga bisa memberikan hiburan ringan bagi mereka 

Video tersebut sangat menghibur sehinga bisa digunakan untuk melepaskan penak ketika berat beraktivitas seharian misalnya bekerja atau bersekolah.

Selain itu aplikasi tiktok juga bisa digunakan untuk mencari cuan atau uang karena ketika tiktok kalian bisa memiliki banyak pengunjung maka tiktok kalian akan mendapatkan respon yang baik dari berbagai vendor

ini karena tiktok kalian dianggap dapat menjangkau pasar dan kemungkinan kalian akan diajak untuk bekerja sama dengan mereka dikemudian hari dan hal ini tentu akan bisa memberikan keuntungan bagi kalian baik berupa uang maupun kesempatan untuk mencoba produk milik vendor bersangkutan

Jadi aplikasi tiktok ini sekarang sudah menjadi bagian dari sosial media besar yang ada didunia. tiktok saat ini sudah memiliki banyak sekali penggemar dan dapat digunakan juga untuk meluaskan bisnis kalian

awalnya tiktok hanya dianggap sebagai aplikasi yang digunakan untuk hiburan semata namun tidak sekarang dimana aplikasi tiktok sudah digunakan untuk berbagai macam kegiatan yang sudah saya sebutkan diatas tadi. misal untuk mempromosikan produk yang kalian jual ataupaun membagikan tutorial yang tentunya sangat berguna bagi pentonton

selamat menonton dan semoga bermanfaat. jangan lupa follow kita ya.....


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